What are we digging the most? The Chanel bags. Chanel Cambon Handbagshow us that the brand is not only timeless but also that their designs continue to be relevant. The newest addition to the Cambon collection which features signature chain straps.
When asked about one of the most classic handbags ever, Chanel comes to mind. The Chanel Cambon is synonymous with timeless. If you have the budget to splurge, this is a staple for your collection. At the mall, all those trendy women sporty the quilted Chanel Cambon bag and you are so jealous. But is it real? Most likely, not. Replica Handbagsare made in a few places, including China, Vietnam and New York, but can be purchased almost everywhere (including online).
Can you imagine the odds of that many women carrying around an $1800 bag in you local mall. How do you know if you what you are buying is an authentic Chanel bag? You are not going to get a Chanel bag for under $150 new or used, unless it is half dog eaten (literally). The lowest priced quilted Cambon bag I saw at Nordstrom's in a small rectangular camera bag style was $900. And it was small! The Cambon tote seems to Chanel's most faked bag (the quilted black bag with the white handles and CC on it). Another good example of fake Chanel going around was the pearl necklace similar to the one worn by Anne Hathaway in "The Devil Wear Prada." This necklace was listed as authentic on major auction while in fact it was not. It was listed as $150 buy it now and the retail is over $1000!
Notice whether the embossed "Chanel" in the interior of the purse has color added. If so, the color needs to be gold if the Ligne Cambon's hardware is gold, and silver if the hardware is silver. Chanel never uses contrasting color logos and hardware on the Ligne Cambon. Chanel is currently dealing with illegal use of the double-C logotype on cheaper goods, especially counterfeit handbags and they have stated that it is a top priority of theirs to stop the sale of counterfeit products.[7]. Countries said to be producing great numbers of counterfeit Chanel handbags are Vietnam and China. An authentic Chanel handbag retails from around $2,850 USD, while a counterfeit usually costs around $100 USD, creating a demand for the signature style at a cheaper price. All authentic Chanel handbags are serialized, beginning in the 1990s.
What we should know is we have many choices if we want Chanel handbags.
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