I like riding to the seaside, but I have no money to wander about. I have no time when I have money, and there is no good weather when I I have money and time. So I have no chance of going on an outing to the seaside.
An opportunity has arisen after the college entrance examination, the weather forecast says it will be sunny in the next few days, that's suitable for tourism and vacation. I have an appointment to go to the beach with many friends.
We got up at six o'clock and started out at seven. We bought mineral water, canned food, instant noodles and biscuits in the shop for breakfast and lunch. We are filled with joy.
As a traditional Chinese saying goes: It will be a cushy/soft journey, if both sexes work together. So we decided to call a girl to go with us, she answered the phone after a few minutes, a lazy sound came from the telephone, she has just woke up without doubt.
It's so pity that just three monks go sightseeing, the beautiful beach will be more beautiful when there's beautiful girl. And Zhu smashed the bicycle angrily. Well, just two remained now - me and Chen, but Chen is a true traveler, he has made a trip around the GunYun over the last week. The trip will full of fun and frolic because of the Great Chen.
We talked while eating and drinking, we take photographs when we ride to the places with beautiful scenery, and we belted out the songs all the way. And we see the sea wall at last.
Chen is fully aroused too, he called his ex-wife, and let his girl listen the sound of ocean waves by mobile phone loudspeaker. His ex-wife's heart aches for Chen, but Chen said, this is not tied, this is romantic.
What time is the high tide by your calendar? Asked Chen. The gide would rise at nine a.m and ebb at four p.m, answered his ex-wife. It is still early, we met three villagers at seaside, they said go farther north for about three hours you will reach TianWan Nuclear power plant.
so two young idiots ride to the TianWan Nuclear power plant decidedly!
Jack Rubbish
published in Summer 2007, Sina Blog
translate into English, 2011-11-18 15:14